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How It All Began

Trinity Baptist Church began with very humble beginnings. There were just 12

people who loved God and desired the freedom and liberty to worship Him in Spirit

and in Truth. They began to earnestly pray and fast in the fall of 2004 for a church.

A year later the Lord laid it upon our Pastor, Ricky D. Cope, to come off the road of

evangelism and to pastor this little flock of people.

The Lord allowed our "little flock" to find an old, vacant auto parts house. We began to

work diligently day and night to renovate the old "parts" house into a place of Worship

where broken lives and broken homes (broken "parts") could be mended through the

Love of Jesus and the preaching of His Holy Word. We called this place of worship

"The Hospital of Hope, Trinity Baptist Church."



Our very first worship service, January 8, 2006, was held in our Pastor's humble home. There were 12 in attendance and the title of the message that glorious Sunday morning was "Can God Build A Tabernacle in the Wilderness?". The following Sunday there were 21 in attendance and the service had to be moved to the Pastor's barn. We held services in the barn until the renovation was completed (a total of seven weeks). On the eighth week, March 8, 2006, we moved into the sanctuary.  We had over 200 in attendance as people came from all over for our Inaugural Service. The following Sunday was our first regular service with 50 in attendance and God saved Trinity's first soul. On April 16, 2006, Trinity Baptist Church was established with 20 founding members.

God has continued to bless Trinity Baptist Church daily with a zeal and an excitement that cannot be put into words. Many souls have come to know and trust Jesus as their personal Savior. Countless hearts once discouraged, despondent and hopeless have been changed and encouraged.  Homes and families that once had no hope are now thriving as they are worship and serve Jesus together.

There is hope for the hopeless!  Through the blessings of Jesus Christ,  Trinity Baptist Church Indian Land is proof of that hope.

Rick and Robin Cope
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  • Trinity Baptist Church Indian Land

Trinity Baptist Church of Indian Land, SC

1519 Steel Hill Rd, Lancaster, SC  29720

PO BOX 59 Van Wyck, SC 29744

Church Office:  803-313-9357 


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